Bharat Interface for Money also known as BHIM app is India’s official UPI app. It was launched just after the demonetization to make India go cashless. Now there are tons of apps available in market such as PhonePe, PayWiz but if you want to enjoy referral cashback offers then Bhim app is what you should look for.
Recently BHIM app has started ‘refer & earn’ scheme which is applicable for both customers & merchants. Referral rewards are slightly higher for merchants than regular users and you can find its complete details below.
How Does Bhim Refer & Earn Program Work?
1] First of all, download & install bhim upi app in your android phone.
2] Register or login with your mobile number. If you are new user, enter the number which is linked to your bank account and then use the OTP for registration.
3] After entering 4 digit passcode, you will be taken to main app interface. Then note down you UPI address. If you have not yet assigned it, just goto My Profile > click on 3 dots at top right corner > settings > scroll down and at the bottom of page, there will be an option to edit your VPA.
4] Now head over to profile and you will see a barcode there. Click on share button and send it to your friends.
5] Ask your friends to download bhim app through your link & register an account using valid bank account. At the time of their first transaction, they are prompted to enter referral code. Tell him to enter your mobile number.
6] When he completes his 3 transactions through BHIM (totalling Rs 50 or more), you will get Rs 10 cashback as a reward. Not just that, your friend will also receive Rs 25 referral bonus for completing the transactions.
7] There is no limit on referral earnings and the great part is, you can transfer your credits directly into bank account. It just takes 4-5 seconds for the amount to reflect in your bank.
8] Merchants will get Rs 25 cashback per every invite.
How to Check Referral Rewards?
Simply open the app and select ‘transactions’ option. Then tap on the top right corner and click on ‘rewards’ tab. That it. Now it will show you the history of all referral credits.
Note : This refer and earn scheme is in beta mode. Complete terms & conditions of the offer are not yet known but we will update them here as soon as we get the further details.
I’m New User, How Can I Get Free 25 Rs Bonus?
New user is one who has never installed bhim app in his device or who has downloaded it but never used the app for ANY transaction. If you sit under any of the above criterias then you’re eligible to claim free 25 Rs in wallet.
After opening app, either send money to your friend or make transaction at merchant. Then enter his/her UPI address and on the next window fill up the referral code. Now complete 2 more orders to enjoy your 25 Rs cashback.
Bhim App is Not Working, What to Do?
Among many issues that I have seen on BHIM, sms not received & error fetching bank account are most common ones. Some users are not being able to verify their mobile number while few are facing ‘upi registration failed’ problems. If you are one of those unlucky users, then simply head over to this article where I have shared some working solutions.
from SpyCoupon
SOURCE- spycoupon
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