India’s leading e-payments portal Gpay is now back with yet another popular offer, keeping in view the Diwali festival. You can collect coupons that are being given for every transaction you make, and can redeem them for Rs. 251, and earn a lottery ticket for prizes upto 1 Lakh.
Google Pay Diwali Offer 2019
Here’s how you can take part in the offer, and win some amount of your own.
Google Pay has released five coupons, which are Diya, Flower, Rangoli, Jhumka and Lantern. You can collect these coupons on doing these things :
1. Make payments – max 5 times for a day.
Make your payments using GooglePay, for a min amount of Rs 35, and earn a coupon. You earn a coupon for every valid transaction of Rs 35 and above. The coupons however don’t need to be unique. They can come repeated at times, so it isn’t easy give-away, and will take some grinding.
2. Scan a lit Diya – max 5 times a day.
You can scan any Diwali Diya that is burning, from your houses and nearby, and also from online images on internet, what’s funny is you can also scan Googlpay’s own Diwali offers icon. This is also available for maximum 5 times for a day, and gives you a unique or a repeated coupon for every scan.
3. Gift ! – max 5 times a day.
You can choose to give-away the repeated coupons that you receive, send them away to a friend, and after he collects it, you’ll be gifted a return coupon by GooglePay. This is also limited to 5 times a day.
Check this image out for more details.
Image credit : Google Pay app
This is how your collection looks like, and the methods to obtain the coupons. This photo is from my own app’s screenshot. As you can see, there are many coupons that are repeated. Drop your registered number in the comments below, so that I could send them to you.
This offer is however deadlined for the last of October. So start collecting stamps right now!
from SpyCoupon
SOURCE- spycoupon
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